
What a Tooth Extraction Procedure Entails

Mar 11, 2021

Does your child have falling teeth, or are your wisdom teeth impacted? A tooth extraction procedure may help alleviate your painful impacted teeth and create room for the growth of permanent teeth for your kid. Severely infected or decayed teeth may require to be pulled out. Dental extractions in Bayport, NY, are performed under general local or intravenous anesthesia. It would be ideal to undergo tooth extraction to lessen the potential risks of facing extensive procedures in the future due to underlying complications.

What’s a Dental Extraction?

A dental extraction refers to the pulling out of your tooth. The procedure is done using specialized dental equipment. Dental extractions in Bayport, NY may be performed due to the following reasons:

  • Severely infected tooth
  • Severe tooth cavities
  • Gum disease that spreads into your tooth roots
  • Falling teeth to provide room for the growth of permanent teeth
  • Preparing for a dental prosthesis
  • Impacted wisdom teeth
  • Traumatic injury on your tooth or adjacent bone
  • Overcrowded teeth or preparation for dental braces

What You Need to Expect During a Tooth Extraction Procedure

During a dental extraction procedure, our specialist at Bayport dental care will numb the area around your affected tooth with a local anesthetic or relieve your anxiety using an intravenous sedative. For an impacted tooth, your tooth is likely to be broken into small portions for easy removal. There are two categories of tooth extraction based on the condition of your dental, and they include:

  • A surgical extraction procedure involves the removal of teeth that haven’t erupted from your gum line. The process applies to a tooth that has broken off due to traumatic injury or an impacted and painful wisdom tooth. If you have underlying health issues, your oral surgeon may use general anesthesia before the operation. Pain relievers are vital after undergoing a surgical extraction procedure.
  • A simple extraction procedure involves pulling out a visible tooth over your gum line. A severely decayed or damaged tooth can be removed through a simple extraction procedure. You can also undergo the process when getting braces and other prosthetics. Local anesthesia and medication to relieve your anxiety are used.

What a Dental Extraction Procedure Involves

Your oral surgeon performs various diagnostic tests before a tooth extraction procedure to evaluate your tooth root’s curvature. Local anesthesia is vital in numbing the area. The incision can be done on your gum tissues and bone to allow for easy extraction. You are likely to experience pressure or grinding of your bone or tooth. The procedure is painless, and stitches are used to control your bleeding. Your dentist uses a gauze pad to enhance blood clotting.

What May Limit You From a Dental Extraction Procedure?

Undergoing a tooth extraction near you is a same-day procedure, but it can potentially expose you to harmful bacteria. There are various complications associated with dental extraction procedures, including the risk of having oral infections. It’s crucial to notify your specialist of underlying health issues before your tooth extraction, who’ll recommend you to take antibiotics before and after your tooth extraction process.

After the evaluation of your medical history, an ideal medication is recommended. The following conditions may limit you from undergoing a dental extraction or require you to undergo additional procedures before your tooth is pulled out:

  • Impaired immune system
  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Congenital heart condition
  • Damaged heart valves
  • Bacterial endocarditis

Dental Extraction Recovery Tips

You are likely to recover from a tooth extraction procedure after a few days. Below are vital guidelines you should embrace to enhance quick recovery:

  • Use a cold pack over your cheek after a tooth extraction procedure to reduce facial swelling.
  • Bite on a gauze pad after your procedure to control bleeding and aid in blood clotting
  • Take recommended medication to alleviate pain.
  • Avoid smoking or drinking a beverage with a straw.
  • Take a soft diet and fluids until the extraction site fully heals.
  • Ensure you don’t rinse your mouth after tooth extraction
  • Floss and brush your teeth but avoid touching the extraction site
  • Keep an upright posture and avoid engaging in rigorous activities.

If you are faced with severe and prolonged discomfort after undergoing dental extractions in Bayport, it’s crucial to make an appointment with our specialist to alleviate your pain. A severely decayed tooth can be daunting, and it would be ideal if you underwent a dental extraction procedure near you today!

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